
innovative business + design + architecture + art + fashion + culture

Monday, March 27, 2006


death by ipod from the walls of berlin..let the backlash begin?

life's been a bit hectic lately....found some interesting photos and installations by stephen berkman.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


...cool prints that French artists Petra Mrzyk and Jean-François Moriceau created from Félicien Rops' prints from the LACMA’s permanent collection. some of these should be put on T's...please let me know if you make them and I'll buy a couple!

I would show some of the prints but i think blogger's havin some issues..I'll try to add them later..

Monday, March 20, 2006


happy noruz!!! a bit difficult when new years is at 1:27pm on a monday, and very anticlimatic when a deadline ruins your new years lunch altogether!

eid mabarak!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

cat and mouse

...border film project -- give 400 cameras to mexican migrants trying to cross the border and the mintemen trying to catch them..over 1500 photos have been collected so far..veyr cool photography that really lets you see what both sides are going though (I can't help but feel worse for the migrants)..the three people in charge of the project spent three months distributing the cameras and the walmart gift cards as incentive..

definitely worth checking out..

via joshspear.com

Thursday, March 16, 2006

...the gladstone does a great job of featuring artist-infused unique rooms -- berlin's propller island city lodge seems to have taken it even further..gladstone's designs felt too safe in a lot of instances. these guys go all the way..floating beds, dwarf rooms, mine rooms - not all practical but very cool..

via mitzubitchy

Monday, March 13, 2006


i was writing about the rss shopping tools being used by some sites like burpee.com and ice.com when i got distracted by the 6 travel trends on hotelmarketing.com...

check both out - very interesting..


via psfk.com and nytimes.com

Friday, March 10, 2006

-- design

...idea is a non-profit group out of edmonton that supports development of creative design -- they're looking for design submissions for furniture, accessories and lighting - deadline is april 1...so sharpen up your pencils or your photoshop skills (??) and get to it!

winning designs will be shown at THAW 2006 - the design exhibit that is part of The Works Art and Design Festival (it runs from June 23rd to July 5th 2006) in edmonton..

via - joshspear.com

Thursday, March 09, 2006

travel +

interesting article on travelling and how technology is changing the way we can sightsee these days..audio-tours are the main focus here and how different everyday gadgets and audio content are being used to enhance the travel experience..very cool.

..there is more info on this in the magazine so try to go to a store and flip through it..remember how to do that?

Monday, March 06, 2006



saw the brian jungen exhibit at the vancouver art gallery yesterday - very cool stuff. he's moving up pretty quickly in the art scnece...i love the way he uses everyday products to make his art - half the time you don't even recognize the actual objects being used and just admire the art piece as a whole...and then all of a sudden an arm of the patio chair or the heel of an air jordan pops out at you..check it out if you can..

Saturday, March 04, 2006


..you always see what cities look like in travel shows, magazines etc., but you never really HEAR them..soundtransit collects sounds of cities for travelling! you can submit sounds from cities around the world and offers them on their site! cool idea..there has to be more you can do with the concept ;)

Friday, March 03, 2006

next net 25...biz

cool list to check out - do a few similar businesses starting up make a business trend? we'll see...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


..cool little business idea - a place to record and save or send out your audio recordings - you can set up phone recording on their site and call in (San Francisco number for now: 415-856-0205) to leave a messages that are turned into an mp3 and shared on their site or sent to your specific list - their platform could be used for a lot of different models - I noticed an ebay use option that looks very cool...check it out.

via joshspear.com