
innovative business + design + architecture + art + fashion + culture

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

..the roof..

Saw the rooftop of the santa caterina market in barcelona today - I posted about it a few months back- it was imprvery cool, although it looks much more impressive when you can see it from above...which is kinda tricky in that area. why put the best part of the work (in this case, all of the work) in a palce where you can hardly see it?

Sunday, April 23, 2006


as you may guess i've fallen behind on the psots...too much work and now some travel have thrown my schedule off..

for now - some architecture to check out..

today, before going to see my dear grandfather, i went to a train station that calatrava designed..amzing how much character the station has because of the design, and how it stands out yet still fits in very well with its surrounding buildings.

Monday, April 17, 2006

hotmail -- redesigned

...been using windows live mail beta for a couple of weeks now (hotmail overhauled) - the only way I would describe it is to say that it...sucks..

it's too slow (which will probably be fixed), has way too much ad space on the page and has been redesigned to look like...gmail?

skyscrapers 2.0?

..a good overview from slate magazine of how skyscrapers are changing around the world and how the old rules don't apply anymore..they don't have to be giant cubical blocks of concrete anymore.

via psfk.com

Sunday, April 09, 2006

spUNk mag..

SpUNk..is an art and music culture online magazine based out of Singapore...their deal:

"We are dedicated to supporting local talent and our aim is to energize a creative community here....since the magazine is published on the Web and viewed by people from all over the world, we invite our friends from the rest of the world to contribute, too. "

it's a beautiful site -- they also take submissions for work..I'd show you a page but blogger's acting up again..

via joshspear.com

Saturday, April 08, 2006

listen --

magnetic time -- listen to your emails on your ipod, cell or pda...while you're commuting? I can see how it's useful to do that if you're driving or something and want to listen to emails (or a report), but there is reply option obviously...so I'm driving my car, or as they also suggest, jogging or cycling, while listening to my emails. now I'm just stressed out because I have all these emails that I know I have to reply to when I get back to the office -- I don't know about this one.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

vosky - skype home and mobile..

.. skype over regular phones AND your cell!! I don't know if it's in canada yet or not..anyone? i have to admit i'm still not part of the skype movement - very 2001 of me i know.

only catch is there will be a weird password request when people call your home..

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

ear business...

...claening your ears - an activity that I hated as a child and have grown to tolerate, and even enjoy on the odd occasion. how many more ear-cleaning-haters are there out there?? apparently enough to support two stores, in Japan.

check it out..

what's next? the k9 version?

via springwise.com

Monday, April 03, 2006

Dear FutureMe,

--- write yourself an email and choose when you want it sent to you..it's like a message in a bottle...which...you can choose to come back to you? hm...

Saturday, April 01, 2006


cool ad from zurich financial..

via psfk.com


life's been rough lately..on the road in mexico. anyway..

webcams from all types of locations from around the world at opentopia..all in one place. very cool...

via rocketboom.com