miami edificios...
..when u think of miami, certain things come to mind..spring break wet T-contests, miami vice,

...intereseting ny times article on this trend and the benefits of getting a super-architect to do your building..
innovative business + design + architecture + art + fashion + culture
..when u think of miami, certain things come to mind..spring break wet T-contests, miami vice,
any opinions?
...if you're wondering what's been happening to beirut since it destroyed itself some years ago, this is a good place to start..a good overview of some of the changes going on...
also, ny times' architecture issue is out..worth a look.
..does anyone know how to switch hotmail back from their ridiculous livemail beta to good ole' hotemail? when traveling, it wouldn't work at any internet cafes - and now at home it's back to the snail's pace.. is a video guide for interesting parts of cities/neighborhoods - it basically shows you what the neighborhood has to offer before you go there. some entertaining videos, some not so much..some are more quirky than others (russian hill dude is weird)